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Telecommunication Systems

Scada Systems

Optical Communication Networks and infrastructure

Uskom has long history of implementing optical communication networks and related infrastructure. Optical communication systems portfolio includes systems from legacy SDH systems to MPLS-TP and IP-MPLS based technologies. All are managed through NMS systems. The passive infrastructure based on underground, OPGW and ADSS fiber optic cables and their terminations are as well part of the solution.

MW and UHF/VHF Radio Point to Point or Point to Multipoint Radio Links

MW and UHF/VHF Radio Point to Point and Point to Multipoint Radio  Links are alternative solutions where optical communication is not practical. But are equally reliable with proper engineering. The technologies extend from TDM to IP and various modulation techniques are utilized for spectrum efficiency and frequencies available in the network ranging from VHF band to 38 GHz. Solutions include all indoor to all outdoor or split mount technologies. Towers, poles and antenna supports are part of the proposed solutions as well.  

Sample Project Irak-Rumaila Communicatio

Power Line Carrier (PLC) Systems

Digital and Analog Power Line Carriers (PLC) along with teleprotection signaling equipment are part of the portfolio. The infrastructure portfolio to operate Power Line Carrier systems include Line Traps, Line Matching Units (LMU) and Coupling Voltage Tranformers (CVT) or Coupling Capacitors (CC). Various coupling methods such as phase to ground, phase to phase and intercircuit coupling are available. Distances covered range from a few kilometers to 300+ kilometers.


Copper based xDSL transmission systems and Multiplexers

The legacy copper cables are still in service, thanks to the xDSL technologies. A copper pair and a set of bonded copper pairs reaches transmission speeds from a single E1 to up to a fiber like 100 Mb/s. Copper is still used where fiber optic implementation is not practical and provides a feasible migration path from anlog to digital communications. The PDH primary multiplexers are still part of our portfolio and are proposed especially where analog ports still hold a good amount of services to be transmitted.


VSAT terminals

A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a satellite ground station for bi-directional communication. The data rates range from 4 kbit/s up to 34 Mbit/s. Both mesh and hub topologies are supported. Our solutions include high compression algorithms to save service costs provided by satellite service providers. The applications range from individual remote area communications to provide a back-up path of the main communication links.


Tetra, DMR, Conventional Mobile Radio Networks and Confined Space Coverage

Private mobile radio systems are key elements for utility voice and data communication for mission critical networks providing special features tailored to the needs of the operation of the facilities. Tetra, DMR and conventional technologies are all supported. Special dispatch centers, integration with fixed telephone networks, recording and management systems are as well within the portfolio of our proposal. The overground covrage is as well extended into confined spaces with a mix of fiber and coax active and passive networks.

Tetra Infrastructure.png

Telephone Networks based on TDM / IP or hybrid telephone exhanges

An utility requires its private network for providing access of its operation areas. Alongwith a communication media, the telephone systems are composed of telephone exchanges operating either over TDM or IP technologies including hybrid systems.The management, billing and recording systems are as well part of the solution

Sample Metro Line PABX-Telephone System
Data Centers

Data collection, process and storage requirements are in an exponential increase with modern utilities of today and more and more  IT operations are becoming crucial for sustainable business. Thefore,  redundant or backup components and infrastructure for power supply, data communications connections, environmental controls and various security devices are gathered in a building or a containerized solution, dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings. Our proposal includes various sizes of data centers to answer individual requirements of the utility.

Transmission SCADA System (EMS)  Afghani
Passive Cooled and Conventional Containers

Telecommunication, SCADA, control and security systems equipment are frequently installed at remote locations. Some of these locations do not have a building for telecom rooms and power may not be available. Our solutions for these sites are provision of containers. If utility power is not available, overground passive cooled containers with heat exchangers or underground units are proposed since the cooling within the room does not require energy. This saves the dimensioning of solar systems and generators that may be required and keep equipment safe from temperature increases if power system deafults. At places where utility power is available, proposed containers are standard overground type.

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UPS, DC, Solar, Generator and Hybrid Systems

Telecommunication, SCADA, control and security system equipment require a high quality and autom-nomous power supply source. Our portfolio includes UPS and AC/DC power supply systems, solar systems with their battery back-up and generators to provide uninterruptable power to critical equipment. Hybrid solutions are as well available per client requirements.

UPS, DC, Solar, Generator and Hybrid Sys
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