Afghanistan NLCC
Uskom has been awarded the contract for turnkey construction of National Load Control Center (NLCC) for Afghanistan
Uskom has been awarded the contract for turnkey construction of National Load Control Center (NLCC) for Afghanistan
Afghanistan NLCC
With its construction lasting from 1992 up until September 16, 2000, the date when it started revenue operations, the M2 line currently carries a daily average of 320,000 passengers. It also has the branch line to Seyrantepe from Sanayi Mahallesi station located on the main line.
Opening Dates
• Groundbreaking Ceremony: 19.08.1992
• Joining of the Taksim - Sisli Tunnels: 12.06.1994
• Joining of the Sisli - 4. Levent Tunnels: 8.07.1994
• Joining of the Taksim - Sisli and 4. Levent Tunnels: 30.04.1995
• Introduction of Trains into the Tunnels: 11.01.1999
• Start of the First Trial Runs: 25.03.1999
• Start of the Revenue Operations in the Taksim - Levent Phase: 16.09.2000
• Start of the Revenue Operations in the Levent - 4. Levent Phase: 24.10.2000
• Start of the Revenue Operations in the Taksim - Sishane and 4. Levent - Ataturk Oto Sanayi Phase: 31.01.2009
• Opening of the Darussafaka Station station to passenger services: 02.09.2010
• Opening of the Seyrantepe Station to passenger services: 11.11.2010
• Opening of the Haciosman Station to passenger services: 29.04.2011
• Opening of the Yenikapi Extension phase to passenger services: 15.02.2014
• Opening of the Vezneciler - Istanbul Universitesi Station to Passenger Services: 16.03.2014
Operational Data
Line Length: 23,5 Km.
Number of Stations: 16
Number of Cars: 192
Journey Duration: 27 min.
Operational Hours: 06.15 - 00.00
Daily Ridership: 320.000 Passengers
Number of Daily Journeys: 225 Journeys/One Way
Journey Frequency: Yenikapi - Haciosman 5 min. (during peak hours)
Journey Frequency: Taksim - Haciosman 2,5 min. (during peak hours)
Journey Frequency: Sanayi Mahallesi - Seyrantepe Shuttle 9 min. (during peak hours)
Total Number of Journeys: 790

Uskom has been awarded the contract for turnkey construction of National Load Control Center (NLCC) for Afghanistan
Executive Summary
The objective of this USAID-funded project is to manage an engineering, procurement, and construction contract to install a National Load Control Center (NLCC) for the North East Power System (NEPS).
The ultimate goal of NEPS is to provide reliable and affordable energy from northern Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan to Kabul and northeastern Afghanistan. More energy is needed for industrial, commercial, and residential users to power economic growth and to improve the quality of life.
The NLCC project is one component of NEPS, which includes a series of ongoing projects to interconnect the electricity grids in northeastern Afghanistan.
The NLCC system will be equipped with a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and related equipment needed to electronically monitor and control NEPS generation and transmission to enhance the reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of operations. Upon completion of this project, DABS will be able to monitor data, control the various electricity elements and manage automatic load shedding within the substations and power stations connected to NEPS.
The testing and commissioning is completed on the SCADA equipment that connects 17 substations to the NLCC. A recent dedication ceremony was attended by U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah, and Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) officials. In early September, USAID began training MEW staff for the Operations and Maintenance of the new facility and equipment.

Project Description
SCADA National Load Control Center
The National Load Control Center (NLCC) in Kabul 100MW Power Plant Area is designed to cover overall Afghanistan HV and MV Substations.
The system presently monitors and controls 17 HV and 1 MV Substation and has capacity to be expanded up to 200 RTUs as installed capacity. Further expansion is available by modularly adding servers into the system as well to add DMS functions on the same platform.
The system is installed by Uskom Komunikasyon A.S. and is based on Prism platform from Advanced Control Systems and operates in full redundancy.
There is as well a DLP based wall display to display the network status.
The communication ports are as well redundant and each RTU communicates with SCADA Master with 2 FE ports with IEC60870-5-104 protocol.
Besides the SCADA System, there is as well a Power Quality Analysis and metering Control Center which gather metering information from all Substations and tie-in locations of Afghanistan Grid with other countries.
Telecom Transmission, Management and Telephone System
The transmission and telephone system is also part of the Uskom contract.
The tranmission system is based on fiber optic SDH equipment and there are some MW links in addition to the SDH optical network. The SDH equipment are Sagem ADR 2500 eXtra and MW Radio link is Sagem Link F.
ADR2500 eXtra and Link F equipment are provided with Engineering Orderwire (EOW) at each Substation which provides a selective call based EOW between all Substations over SDH overhead.
Both SDH and MW radio Link equipment are as well fully redundant and provide redundant FE interfaces for RTU
communication with NLCC. The optical system is as well provided with redundant E1 ports for telephone network communication requirements.
SDH Optic and MW radio equipment are all connected to a Network Management System (NMS) and complete system is managed from NLCC IONOS-NMS system including provisioning and trail management capabilities. The NMS as well is expandable for up to 1000 Network Elements to cover overall Afghanistan Electrical Network.
The telephone network is based on Selta SAM 4000 and SAM 8 PABX equipment. The NLCC SAM 4000 E is in full redundancy and includes as well a voice recording system.
The telephone network operates as a full homegeneous network and is interconnected with each other and NLCC via E1 links.
Substation RTU and Local SCADA System
At Substations connected to NLCC, there is a Selta STCE RTU operating with redundant CPU and redundant power supply. The RTU communicates with NLCC via SDH or MW communication equipment with dual FE interfaces based on IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
The existing RTUs gathers all Substation signals either via parallel I/Os terminated over a Marshalling Cubicle or via serial interfaces based on Modbus or IEC 60870-5-103.
At some Substations where there has been existing Substation SCADA systems, interface over IEC 60870-5-101 has been utilized to the RTU and these exsting facilities have as well been connected to NLCC over the new RTU.
The RTU also provides a local SCADA system based on eXpert. eXpert HMI has the ability to monitor and control the Substation locally. The HMI has been standardized in all Substations regardless of the original Substation supplier abbreviations so that the maintenance and operation personnel has ease to have a standardized system management.
At Substations, energy meters with Power Quality Analysis (waveform recording) functionality have been installed. Energy meters have 64 samples/cycle waveform recording functionality with internal storage, class 0.2 accuracy, and both Ethernet and RS-485 connectivity.
RTU utilize the data for analog values received via RS485 ports over Modbus and NLCC utilizes centralized waveform recording and reporting sent over Ethernet ports separately. Installed units are Shark 200 V5 series and Nexus 1500 series from Elektro Industries / GaugeTech.
Istanbul Subway
Executive Summary
The objective of this JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) is to manage an engineering, procurement, and construction contract to install a National Load Control Center (NLCC) for the 3 Governates of North Iraq.
The Ministry of Electricity of the Kurdistan Regional Government awarded the contract for complete Engineering, Procurement and Construction works necessary to establish a SCADA and VoIP Communication center in Kurdistan Regional Control Centre (KRCC)/Azadi Building, RMEK, Erbil.
The electrical power system owned and operated by the Regional Ministry of Electricity in Kurdistan Iraq has been subjected to rapid expansion and growth in the recent years.
Presently the RMEK interconnected power grid handles over 4500 MW of peak power demand and is connected to generating plants with installed capacity exceeding 6000 MW. Approximately 90% of the generating plants are owned by the private sector (IPPs). The supplied demand is currently curtailed through a load shedding program due to limitations of energy generated.
The old practice of network control, which was extensively based on voice communication, is no longer adequate to maintain an acceptable overview of the system. This becomes especially critical in the event of disturbances where normal operating conditions cannot be re-established as rapidly as it would be necessary to limit the duration of outages and thus minimize the amount of undelivered energy and losses of revenues.

A power system of this scale is essentially centrally controlled to balance supply and demand on real time basis. Centralized control also required to coordinate system operation activities at various stations located across Kurdistan region.
This function is handled by the Kurdistan Regional Dispatch Control Centre (KRCC) located in Erbil, in coordination with the Distribution Control Centers (DCC) located in Erbil, Sulaimaniyah, Duhok, Kirkuk and Garmyan.
The system control function essentially requires real time data of the power system and effective voice communication system.
However till date RMEK was compelled to control and manage its power system with substantial constraints with no access to real time system data and with limited and outdated voice communication facilities.
Non availability of these essential and basic facilities greatly compromised the reliability, quality, economy and safety of the electricity supply provided to the entire Kurdistan region. Further, it also affects enforcement of technical and commercial conditions in power purchase from the IPPs.
The project has aimed at establishing basic, minimum and immediate requirements for data and voice communications at 23 stations, which is essential for effective management of the KRG power system in the interim. The systems established under this project would facilitate close monitoring and coordination of IPP operations and enforcement of technical and commercial conditions as per power purchase agreements. Further it would ensure effective monitoring and management of the losses contributing to overall economy of electricity supply by RMEK.
The next phase will be to move towards the complete SCADA coverage of all RMEK substations and generation plants.
Project Description
SCADA National Load Control Center
The SCADA Control Center (NLCC) is established at RMEK Erbil SCADA Control Building.
The system presently monitors and controls 23 HV Stations and has capacity to be expanded to cover more than 300+ RTUs. Further expansion is available by modularly adding servers into the system. The system is installed by Uskom Komunikasyon A.S. and is based on Sinaut Spectrum platform from Siemens and operates in full redundancy.
There is as well a DLP based wall display to display the network status.
The communication ports are as well redundant and each RTU or substation automation system communicates with SCADA Master with 2 FE ports with IEC60870-5-104 protocol.
Telecom Transmission, Management and Telephone System
The transmission and telephone system is also part of the Uskom contract.
The tranmission system is based on fiber optic SDH equipment. The SDH equipment are from Ericsson and operate at STM-1/STM-4 rates.
SDH equipment are as well fully redundant and provide redundant FE interfaces for RTU/Local SCADA communication with Control Center. The optical system has ethernet ports also for telephone network communication requirements.
SDH equipment are all connected to a Network Management System (NMS) and complete system is managed from Ericsson NMS including provisioning and trail management capabilities. The NMS is expandable for up to 9999 Network Elements to cover overall RMEK Electrical Network at its full expansion.
The telephone network is based on Selta SAM 4000 equipment. The SAM 4000 E installed at Control Center is in full redundancy and includes as well a voice recording system.
What is LNG
LNG (liquefied natural gas) obtained by cooling the natural gas to about -162 ° C at atmospheric pressure; odorless, colorless and non-toxic liquid phase fuel.
Since the volume is reduced to about 600 times during the transition phase to the liquid phase, it is more convenient to transport and store than the gas phase.
After conversion to gas phase, it is offered for consumption.
LNG, which is a Liquefied Natural Gas, is a more pure, low-pollution and high-calorious fuel efficient than natural gas carried by pipelines since it is purified from oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur components and water. LNG can easily be used in all enterprises that supply energy with alternative fuels and have high fuel consumption.
Floating Storage & Regasification Unit has a different feature than other shore LNG Terminals. Storage and regasification of Liquefied Natural Gas imported by vessels is provided by operating the Floating Storage & Gasification Unit ("FSRU") berthed at the Terminal jetty. The FSRU has the ability to regasify the liquid stored in its tanks utilizing the existing vaporizer units.